Vietnamese egg coffee – “cà phê trứng Việt Nam”, one of the best drink you should try all year

Cafe trung, egg coffee, hanoi street food, things to do in Hanoi
A cup of Egg coffee at Cafe Giang

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You might think that a macchiato made with turmeric is a wacky by-product of our Instagram-obsessed U.S. food culture, but over in Hanoi, the capital and undisputed epicenter of coffee culture in Vietnam, locals have been doing something way wackier for decades: mixing eggs into coffee. And since Vietnam is the second-largest coffee exporter on earth behind Brazil, it’s high time we perk up to the trend.

Coffee was first introduced to Vietnam in the 19th century by the French, and the addition of sweetened condensed milk (now a signature) developed in response to a scarcity of milk. Egg coffee, meanwhile, has been around since the 1940s, when a bartender in Hanoi whisked eggs into his coffee because he couldn’t find fresh milk. The result was decadent and delicious, so he opened Cafe Giang, introduced cà phê trứng (egg coffee), and Hanoians have loved the drink ever since.

The drink starts with chicory Cafe Du Monde coffee, whose bitterness makes it an ideal base, brewed with a phin, a single-serving coffee filter specifically used for Vietnamese coffee. Then, Lowell blends egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk and sugar, and adds a spoonful of brewed coffee to the mix. He froths the concoction until it resembles cake batter, then dollops it by the spoonful over the coffee and serves it unmixed so that customers can decide whether to cautiously drink the coffee through the egg topping or mix everything together.

At first sip, it’s a noticeable smell and flavor of eggs. The taste, however, is like a sweet, luxurious and ultra-creamy dessert—the egg thickens the already-sweet drink, resulting in what’s often described as liquid tiramisu. And let’s face it: Is there any better way to start the day than that.

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